St. Matthew 16:13-23
Hoodhosh Eetho (Dedication) Sunday
The Sunday after Koodhosh Eetho is called Hoodhosh Eetho (Dedication of Church) Sunday.
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus33: 7-11
- I Kings : 8 :22 – 40
- Isaiah55: 1- 13
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 7:44 -53 or
- Revelation 3:14-22
- Hebrews9: 1-14
- St. John 10: 22 – 38
Annunciation to Zachariah (Parents’ day)
This Sunday is commemorated as the day when John the Baptist’s birth was announced toZachariah by Angel Gabriel.
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis 2: 18-25
- Genesis17: 15-22
- Numbers8: 13-20
- Ruth 1 : 11-18
- I Samuel 1: 9-17
- Psalms 133 : 1-3
- Isaiah 41: 8-15
- Holy Qurbana
- II Peter 1: 1-15
- Ephesians5: 21 -6: 4
- St. Luke 1: 5 – 25
Annunciation to St. Mary, Mother of God.
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis28: 10 -22
- Judges13: 2-14
- Zechariah2: 10-13, 4: 1-7, 8: 3
- Isaiah63: 15-64: 5
- Holy Qurbana
- I John3: 2-17
- Galatians:4: 1-7
- Hebrew 2 :14-18
- St. Luke 1:26-38
St. Mary’s visit to Elizabeth (Womens’ day)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis1: 24 – 31, 24: 15-38
- Judges4: 4 -16
- 1 Samuel 25 :1-35
- II Kings 5: 1 -5
- Ester 4:1- 17
- Proverbs14: 1 : 19 : 14 : 31 : 10 -31
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 3: 1 -7
- I Timothy 2: 9 – 15 , 3:11 -13
- St. Luke 1:39-56
Birth of John the Baptist (Children’s day)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis21: 1-21
- Exodus 2:1-10
- 1 Samuel 1 : 20-28 , 2 : 18 -26
- Psalms127 : 1 -5
- Isaiah62: 1-12
- Holy Qurbana
- I John 3:1-3
- Ephesians6: 1-4;
- Colosians 3: 20-21
- St. Luke 1:57-80
Annunciation to St. Joseph
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis13: 1-11
- Isaiah1: 2 – 9
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 2: 11 -17
- Galatians1: 11-24
- St. Matthew 1: 18-25
Sunday before Christmas
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis46: 8-27
- I Kings9: 3-7
- Isaiah7: 14-15, 11: 1 -9
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 3:16-26
- Romans 4:13-25
- Galatians 4 ;18-20
- St. Luke 3:23-38
Yeldho / Incarnation of our Lord (Christmas) (December 25)
- Evening
- By the fire-pit
- Hebrews1: 1-12
- St. Luke 2:1-14
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis21: 1-8
- Micah5:5 1- 4
- Isaiah 9:1-7
- Holy Qurbana
- I John 1: 1- 10
- Galatians3: 23- 4 :7
- St. Matthew 2: 1-12
Feast of the glory of St. Mary, Mother of God
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 3:1-10
- Ezekiel44: 1-12
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 7:30-43
- Romans 1:1-10
- St. Luke 8:16-21
Massacre of the Infants (December 27)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus 1:1-22
- Jeremiah31: 15-20
- Isaiah60: 8-14
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 7:11-29
- Romans 15:1-7
- St. Matthew 2: 13-18
First Sunday after Christmas (The Holy Family flee to Egypt )
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis37: 13 – 28
- Zechariah8: 3-8
- Isaiah 5:20-30
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 16:6 -10
- I Corinthians 10 : 1- 13
- St. Matthew 2: 9 – 15, 19- 23
New Year (January 1) Circumcision of our Lord, Feast of St. Basil and St. Gregory.
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis12 : 1- 9
- Deuteronomy10: 12-11: 1
- Ezekiel : 18: 21 -24
- Holy Qurbana
- I John 3: 13 – 18
- Romans2: 28-3: 8
- St.Luke 2 :21
- St. John15: 5 -19
Second Sunday after Christmas
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis37: 1- 11
- 1 Samuel 2 : 18-21
- Isaiah26: 1-12
- Holy Qurbana
- I John3: 21-24
- Hebrews11: 23-31
- St. Luke 2: 40 – 52
Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ (6th January)
This festival is called Danaha in Syriac meaning ‘Dawn’. Also called Epiphany or Theophany.
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis24: 10 -20
- II Kings 3 : 19 -25
- Ezekiel47: 1-12
- Isaiah 12:1-6
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 19 :1 -7
- Titus2: 11- 3: 9
- St. Luke 3:7-22
- Blessing of the Water
- Acts 8:35-40
- Hebrews10: 15-25
- St. John 4:1-42
Beheading of St. John the Baptist (7th January)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis4: 1 – 15
- Jeremiah37: 11-21
- Isaiah40: 3-8, 41: 8-13,
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter 3: 12 – 17
- Romans8 : 35- 39
- St. Matthew 14: 1-12
Feast of St. Stephen (8thJanuary)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis4: 1- 15
- Isaiah37: 8-20
- Barazeera 50 :1 -2
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts7: 51 – 8: 2
- Romans8: 35- 39
- St. Matthew 23: 34-39
First Sunday after Baptism of our Lord
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis25: 19-34 , 30: 36-31 : 2
- II Kings 5: 1-14
- Isaiah49: 7-13
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 2:37-47
- Ephesians1: 3-14
- St. Matthew 4: 12-22
Second Sunday after Baptism of our Lord
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus22: 26-33
- Proverbs9 : 1 – 9
- Isaiah 51:1-8
- Holy Qurbana
- I Peter3: 7-15
- Hebrews1: 1, 2: 4
- St. John 1: 43 – 51
Third Sunday after Baptism of our Lord
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- II Kings 2: 19 -22
- Joel 2:21-32
- Jeremiah31: 1-12
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts17: 16 – 34
- I Corinthians 3: 16-4: 5
- St. John 3:1-12
Fourth Sunday after Baptism (Sunday for Workers)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis2: 4- 17
- Deuteronomy18 : 9-16
- Isaiah40: 27 -31
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts18: 1- 4, 20 : 33 -35
- James 5: 1-14
- I Corinthians 12 : 12-27
- I Thessalonians 4: 9 -12
- II Thessalonians 3: 6-15
- St. Mark 6:1-6
Fifth Sunday after Baptism of our Lord
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis9: 12-17
- Psalms29: 1-11
- Isaiah41: 8-20
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts9: 10 – 21
- II Corinthians 4: 1-6
- St. Mark 1:12-20
Mayaltho (Entry of our Lord into the temple)
February 2nd is celebrated as the day when infant Jesus was presented in the temple. Also called the day of the old aged. Feast of St. Simon and St. Hanna.
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Leviticus12: 1-8, 19: 30 -37
- Proverbs6 : 20 – 24 , 23 : 22 -26
- Isaiah11: 1 – 10
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 24:10-23
- Ephesians3: 13-21 6: 1-4 .
- St. Luke2: 22 -40
All Departed Holy Fathers (February 3)
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis39: 11-23
- Lamentations3: 1-21 ,
- Holy Qurbana
- St. James1: 12-21
- II Timothy 3: 10-15
- St. Luke 6:20-31
Monday of Three days Lent
The three day lent is a lent of attrition and repentance commemorating the repentance of the people Nineveh at the preaching of Prophet Jonah. This lent starts three weeks before the start of the Great Lent.
- Evening
- Morning
- Numbers5: 5-10
- Jonah 1:1- 17
- Isaiah19: 17-22
- Acts13:6 – 12
- Colossians1: 3-13
- St. Matthew 7: 1-12
Tuesday of Three days Lent
- Evening
- Morning
- Exodus22:28 – 30
- Micah 1:1-16
- Jonah 2:1-10
- Nahum 1:1-14
- Isaiah57: 13-19
- Acts 8: 9-25
- Romans1: 18- 32
- St. Matthew 24: 36-46
Wednesday of Three days Lent
- Evening
- Morning
- Exodus23: 1 -9
- Zephaniah1: 11-2: 4
- Jonah3: 1 – 10
- Isaiah41: 17-26
- St. James1: 13-27
- Romans15: 24-43
- St. Luke11:27-36
- Holy Qurbana
- II Peter 2: 1-18
- I Thessalonians 5: 12-24
- St. Matthew 12: 38-50
Thursday / The end of Three days Lent
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis18: 23-33
- Joshua7: 6- 20
- Jonah4: 1 – 11
- Holy Qurbana
- St. James4: 7-17
- Ephesians5: 3-21
- St. Luke12: 54-13: 9
All Departed Priests
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Numbers20: 23-29
- Deuteronomy34: 1-8
- Isaiah65: 13-20
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 20:26-38
- I Thessalonians 4: 13-5: 11
- St. Matthew 24: 42-51
All the Departed Faithful
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Genesis49: 33-50: 13
- Ezekiel34: 1-14
- Isaiah38: 10-20
- Maccabians : 12: 38 -45
- Holy Qurbana
- St. James 3: 1 – 12
- I Corinthians 15: 20-28
- St. Luke12: 32-48
First Sunday of Great Lent(Kothine Sunday) (Pethurtha of the Great Lent)
The Great Lent starts bycommemorating the first miracle performed by Jesus i.e. turning water into wineat the wedding feast at Cana of Galilee. The Gospelreading for each Sunday of the Great Lent is about a miracle performed byJesus.
- Evening
- Morning
- Before Holy Qurbana
- Exodus20: 1-21
- Joel 2:12-20
- Isaiah58: 5-14
- Holy Qurbana
- Acts 11:19-26
- OR
- Revelations2: 1 -7
- Colossians3: 1- 17
- St. John 2:1-11